NEWSLETTER #7 – Spring 2022
Spring is starting, the students application season as well, but not only. It is also the time for events without forgetting annual doctoral program campaign which is in its second phase. Read our news below to get all information!
Small seminar #6
The monthly PhD student’s seminar in Quantum information. Accessible only to PhD students and Post-doc. Our seminar will take place at LKB laboratory at Jussieu, Pierre & Marie Curie Campus, Tower 23 or 13, second floor, corridor 13-23, seminary room 210, from 11.45 am to 12.30 pm on Wednesday, April the 6th.
For this 6th seminar, our 2 speakers are Clément Pellet-Mary, from Nano-optic group at LPENS lab and Dominik Leichtle, from QI team at LIP6 lab.
Magnetic sensing with NV center ensembles – Clément Pellet-Mary
Advancing the verification of quantum computing – Dominik Leichtle
To get more information go here
2022 Doctoral Program campaign – CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
Within the framework of the Institutes and Initiatives of the Sorbonne University Alliance (ASU), a campaign to award doctoral contracts financed by the French Excellence Initiative (Idex) has been launched on January the 14th. Second phase started and student are invited to send their application to projects leader.
Go here to get more information
QICS Conference « L’ordinateur quantique : état des lieux »
(In French for the general public)
Au début du XXe siècle, les physiciens ont découvert les lois curieuses régissant le monde de l’infiniment petit, la physique quantique. À la fin du XXe siècle, les chercheurs ont montré que ces lois permettent d’envisager de construire des ordinateurs beaucoup plus puissants. En ce début de XXIe siècle, cette promesse théorique commence à se matérialiser. Au cours de cette conférence, deux chercheurs — un physicien et un informaticien — exposeront les principes qui sous-tendent l’architecture des ordinateurs quantiques et feront un point sur la situation en 2022 : où en est-on précisément de ces développements technologiques ?
Go here to get more details
Quantum Information Master Program
Applications are open till June 1st for students currently studying in France and Europe. The program is divided into an M1 Quantum information for physicists, an M1 Quantum information for computer scientists and joint program for the M2.
Applications opened till June 1st.
Go here to get the complete program
Quantum Information Spring School (QISS)
The QICS is organizing a series of school starting next spring. This series of schools will address all thematic associated to quantum computing and simulation, including sub-universal aspects like superiority and quantum communications, including both hardware and software development, as well as theoretical investigation of the foundations of the quantum advantage.
Registration is now closed
Go here to get the complete program
41st MaxEnt'22 Conference + Call for paper
The 41st International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, MaxEnt’22 will be held in Paris on July 18th-22th, 2022, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris and organized by SEE under the auspices of « Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) » and « SCAI Sorbonne University ». Quantum information is among the topics explicitely mentioned in the call for paper, so don’t hesitate to submit your research or just register on the conference website
High-school Lakanal at Sorbonne Université
The QICS is hosting high school students from Sceaux in April 11th, in the afternoon.to offer to them the opportunity to discover what is happening in a lab and in particular show them Quantum information experimentation.
Newsletter registration
Don't hesitate to contribute by sending us, at qics@sorbonne-universite.fr, any relevant news or material related to Quantum information. You can also use the mailing list at qics-info@listes.upmc.fr to share important information with the community.