The International Conference on Quantum Communication ICQOM
The scope of the conference is focused on Quantum Communications, including theoretical and experimental activities related to Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Networks in a broad sense.
Du 18 oct. 2021 au 22 oct. 2021
Amphithéâtre Charpak is located on the Ground floor / Saint Bernard level of the campus Pierre-&-Marie Curie at Jussieu through tower 22/33
The conference is co-organized by the QICS and the French network SIRTEQ “Science and Engineering in Region Ile de France for Quantum Technologies”, http://www.sirteq.org , and it is the 4th in a series already including Quantum Simulations (ICQSIM 2017), Quantum Computing (ICOQC 2018), and Quantum Metrology and Sensing (IQUMS 2019).
The conference will be delivered in a hybrid event format, so it can be attended either in-person or through a videoconferencing system, both for speakers and for participants.
The scientific program will combine invited talks by prominent specialists, contributed talks and poster presentations.
ICQOM Program
In order to make easier the organization of the event, all the participants are kindly requested to register online, preferably before September 30, 2021.
The authors are cordially encouraged to submit the abstract for Regular and Poster Sessions by September 30, 2021. Please indicate whether oral or poster is preferred.
To apply, click on 'Register' in the 'Main menu' section on the left column.
To submit a contribution, click on 'Submit' in the 'Main Menu' section on the left column. Please verify that you are registered before submitting a contribution. If you do not have an account on the 'sciencesconf' website yet, you will be guided to create one.
The authors will be notified on the acceptance by October 06, 2021.
Abstracts should be submitted only in PDF as a 1 page file using the proposed LaTeX (preferred) or Word templates. To find the templates click on submit in the main menu and follow the steps until you get the relevant template.
Posters must be A0 vertical (portrait), printed by participants.
Gala dinner: Conference Dinner – Le Train Bleu
Broad audience event
- Projection of the dance show « Quantumotion » and discussion with the artists.
- Conference « Des photons intriqués aux communications quantiques » by Philippe Grangier https://www.sirteq.org/event/conference-et-soiree-grand-public/
The conference will be given in French. More details, see here.
Please, visit the website if you need more information