Find below the news, events, schools, opportunities QICS is offering in the coming weeks in the field of quantum information
QICS News and activities
2023 Doctoral Program campaign – CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
Within the framework of the Institutes and Initiatives of the Sorbonne University Alliance (ASU), a campaign to award doctoral contracts financed by the French Excellence Initiative (Idex) has been launched on January. Second phase started and students are invited to send their application to projects leader before May the 10th.
Click here for more information
Quantum Information (QI) Master Program – CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
The program is divided into an M1 Quantum information for physicists, an M1 Quantum information for computer scientists and joint program for the M2
Here is the complete program
Applications are open till tomorrow, April 18th through monmaster.gouv.fr for students with a bachelor applying to M1 and currently studying in France and Europe
For M1 Quantum Information - Computer science, please select the direct link called «information quantique»
For M1 Quantum Information - Physics (in French), the program is integrated into the master master «Physique Fondamentale et Applications» here
Applications are open till June 1st through eCandidat plateform for students with a M1 applying to M2 and currently studying in France and Europe
Quantum Information Paris Summer School - QIPSS 23 – SAVE THE DATE
This summer school will cover topics in computer science aspects of quantum information theory, open to PhD students, master students and post-docs. QIPSS will take place at Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, 4-8 September 2023 and is co-organized with Paris Centre for Quantum Technologies (PCQT)
Registration will open very soon!
Here is the complete program
QICS mobility grant opportunity - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
In the framework of student mobility supported by Sorbonne University, the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne awards mobility grants to M1 and M2 students in physics or computer science at Sorbonne University and whose thematic fits within the scientific scope of the QICS.
Deadline to apply to 1st session is May the 8th
Deadline to apply to second session is June 31st
Read the complete call
Ecosystem projects and events
inQlude project
The QICS is supporting this initiative which aims at highlighting scientists in the quantum information community who, due to systematic and implicit biases, may slip through people’s minds in their day-to-day job.
Click here to read more information
NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023 - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
NTU Singapore is offering PostDoc position which concerns research project at Majulab or at Center for Quantum Technologies
EQSI Workshop “Future Directions for Quantum Software in Europe” – SAVE THE DATE
EQSI – European Quantum Software Institute is organizing a workshop centered on Quantum computing and quantum software. It will be held on May 2nd at Sorbonne Université, Pierre & Marie Curie campus, Jussieu, amphitheater Charpak
Deadline to register is April 24th, following this link
Summer school on "Quantum Computation and information” – SAVE THE DATE
It will be held for the week of 9-14 July 2023 in Nice, in the heart of French Riviera and is organized as a mix of practical works and student group-working with a consistent amount of theory classes
To get more details and register, please click here
Deadline to register is June 1st
Don't hesitate to contribute by sending us, at qics@sorbonne-universite.fr, any relevant news or material related to Quantum information. You can also use the mailing list at qics-info@listes.upmc.fr to share important information with the community.