2023 Institute & Initiative Doctoral Program campaign

Sorbonne Université campaign designed to award two doctoral contracts in the field of quantum information

Context and description

Within the framework of the Institutes and Initiatives of the Sorbonne University Alliance (ASU), the third year annual campaign to award doctoral contracts financed by the French Excellence Initiative (Idex) is launched. 

More specifically, the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne (QICS) will award two doctoral programs related to quantum information, from both the physics and computer science point of view. It includes:

  • Quantum computing (including simulation) and communications;
  • Hardware, software and foundational aspects;
  • Broad impact of quantum information (postquantum cryptography, machine learning, humanities, economical implications, etc.).

Each project includes a three-year doctoral contract and 10k€ environment.


On May the 16th, le QICS auditioned 5 candidates to award two doctoral programs related to quantum information.

Name of candidates Project title PhD Directors Laboratory Rank


Nanocristaux de pérovskite en cavité pour l’émission de photons uniques indiscernables Carole DIEDERICHS LPENS 1st ex aequo

PEPIN Mathis

QND measurement of a circular Rydberg atom of Strontium. Sébastien GLEYZES LKB 1st ex aequo


Coherent coupling of quantum emitters  on a nanofiber Alberto BRAMATI LKB 3rd


Photonic sources for entanglement-based quantum networks Julien LAURAT LKB 4th

NOBLET Thibault

A Diagrammatic Quantum Simulator for Spin Liquids Pascal VIOT LPTMC 5th


The recruitment campaign is divided into several phases:

  • A call for doctoral research projects is launched among researchers and lecturers at the Alliance Sorbonne-University. To be eligible, the project leader should follow the rules of the relevant doctoral school. Furthermore, the project leader should be the PhD supervisor and member of a laboratory affiliated with the ASU.

Please submit your project here LIMESURVEY

  • The doctoral research projects validated by the doctoral schools are submitted to a committee chaired by the Directors of the QICS.
  • The projects preselected by this committee are published on the Sorbonne University website (doctoral section), on the doctoral schools’ websites and QICS website.
  • Students first send their applications to the project leaders. They will then be auditioned by a jury.
  • The doctoral contract of the selected candidate will start in fall 2023

Call for project calendar

26/02/23: before midnight - submission proposals deadline for researchers/project leaders to doctoral schools
30/03/23: Students call for application
10/05/23: submission of student applications deadline
Mid-June: Laureate announcement

Documents to apply :

LIMESURVEY Call for application