One foot into sciences

The QICS allows schools and young students to welcome researchers into their walls or to go to them to visit their laboratories and discover the academic world

One foot into sciences

These meet-ups with young researchers (doctorate to post-doc) and senior researchers allow high school students to discover science where it is done, to demystify research and to open up the field of possibilities.

Coming and last meet-ups

In the framework of Sorbonne Université Physics department, the QICS participated to the program of the Sprint Summer Camp from June 17th to 24th.

Qics organised a half day dedicated to Quantum information and allowed to 40 high-school students to attend introduction to Quantum information and a presentation to the Quantum computer and to visit experimentation room about cold atom, photonics, quantum cryptography and communication, quantum entanglement, or quantum optic.

They also enjoyed to play to the games developed at the QICS, Qats and OptiQraft, to learn more about quantum physics and mechanics.

From 2022, the QICS is hosting at least one student to spent a week in our world and discover our activity.

From December the 18th to the 22nd of 2024, the QICS together with LIP6 hosted 7 students from Paris for a whole week dedicated to research, to computer sciences and  a quantum information. They attended scientific presentation, visited experimentation rooms, discovered the Fablab, discovered how many profession is needed to do research, to play games and to realise that university is like a small village.

Every year in December, the QICS is giving a talk to students from the Master Innovation Management at Sorbonne Université doing an introduction to Quantum information.

On November the 23rd of 2023, the QICS hosted 33 students which were specifically studying mathematics, physics and biology.
During a half day, they attended an introduction to Quantum information, a presentation to the Quantum computer and visited experimentations about cold atom, photonics, quantum cryptography and communication, quantum entanglement, or quantum optics.

They also enjoyed to play to the games developed at the QICS, Qats and OptiQraft, to learn more about quantum physics and mechanics.

In 2022, on April the 11th, in the morning, the QICS hosted students from high-school Lakanal in Sceaux (Paris area). During, this morning, they discovered quantum information throughout conferences and visits of laboratories.

On December the 9th of 2021, Quentin Glorieux, Associate professor at Sorbonne Université and member of Kastler Brossel laboratory gave a 45 minutes scientific talk to students from high school l'Essouriau at the Ulis (Paris area).

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