Speedmeeting with highschool students!
For the 2023 Science fair, the QICS is joining forces with the Institute of Materials Science and the Patrimonies observatory to organize speed meetings between high school students and young researchers
For the 2023 Science Fair (Fête de la science), the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne is joining forces with Institute of Materials Science and the Patrimonies observatory to organize a joint event on the Pierre and Marie Curie Campus on October 12 and 13, 2023.
The event will take the form of short meetings with high school students: you will discuss your scientific and academic careers and present your projects. During an hour and a half, and in a succession of 10-minute meetings, a class divided into small groups will be able to discover 6 research thematics by meeting 6 young researchers !
-> 1st year : https://qics.sorbonne-universite.fr/actualites-qics/la-fete-de-la-science-2021-le-speed-meeting-une-formule-au-point (in French only)
Recruitment of volunteers
During your presentation, you will have to briefly answer some simple questions:
- who are you, where do you come from (country, studies...)?
- what is your project?
- Why do you think it is important to work on this subject?
- What is your motivation?
- what is a thesis? a postdoc?
- and after the thesis? after the post-doc?
In order to move forward quickly on the programming, we are looking for PhD students and post-docs within the QICS laboratories, working on Quantum information. If you want to participate to this exchange with young high school students, please contact us now at qics@sorbonne-universite.fr
A general training between volunteers and to prepare yourself will take place on October the 6th from 12am to 2pm at IMPMC lab conference room, tour 22, corridor 22-23, room 401. Free lunch offered!
REGISTRATION required before October the 6th!
Please precise your name, last-name, lab and research project in a few lines
Register NOW!