QICS "Small seminar" Round-table
The QICS is organising this event to allow young researchers in Quantum information to meet each other and discuss their projects and needs to reinforce the community and thematic.
After one year of various and enriching seminars between you, we were wondering which format, experience, ideas, projects would suit you the best. We thought about tutorials, opening the seminars to other public, or organizing a workshop of 3 or 4 days in a venue outside Paris, etc...
Thea easiest way to know your wishes is to ask you directly. What about a roundtable all together?
When: July the 5th, from 10.30am to 1pm
Where: LIP6 lab at Jussieu, Pierre & Marie Curie Campus, Tower 26, 1st floor, corridor 25-26, room 105
Who: you, you, you and you, All PhD students and postdoc in Quantum information
How: registering by sending an email to qics@sorbonne-universite.fr