Job & internship opportunities
Dedicated to share job opportunities and candidat offers
If you want us to share your job position related to Quantum information to our community, don't hesitate to send us an email to qics@sorbonne-universite.fr. Post-doc or PhD offer, associate professor, researcher, professor, internship, etc.
This page can also be used to propose candidate profile if you are student looking for a job or if you want are just looking for a position in Quantum information.
A lot of internship offers are also available here.
Fell free to contact the laboratories of our community :
Company you may look at for an internship (Here is a non-exhaustive list) : Microsoft, Quantonation, Veriqloud, BCG, Thales, Atos, SociétéGénérale, A&B, Cryptonext, Qubitpharma, PasQal, Quandela, WeLinQ, Total, Orange, OVH …
In any case, contact us at qics@sorbonne-universite.fr