Sriram Gopalakrishnan : The algebra of the MinRank problem in post-quantum cryptography : Gröbner bases, complexity and implementations

Sriram Gopalakrishnan

"Many of the number-theoretic problems upon which classical cryptography schemes rely are easily solvable on a quantum computer. As quantum computation becomes increasingly viable, it has therefore become necessary to create quantum-safe cryptography schemes. Polynomial system solving seems to remain a difficult task for a quantum computer to solve, which has resulted in the proposition of several so-called "multivariate" post-quantum cryptography schemes. The security of many of these types of schemes relies on the hardness of the MinRank problem, which possesses rich algebraic structure. We aim to exploit this structure to design and analyze specialized polynomial systems solving algorithms, thereby gaining insight into the security of proposed multivariate post-quantum cryptosystems."


Research unit : LIP6 / PolSys team

Supervisor : Ludovic Perret

Keywords : Gröbner bases, Computational complexity, Determinantal systems, Algebraic geometry, Commutative algebra

His PhD is a co-tutelle beetween Sorbonne Université and University of Waterloo, Canada (IQC - Institute for Quantum Computing). Sriram has also written an article.