The questions asked apply mainly to the master of computer science, and not to the master of physics, for more details do not hesitate to contact us at the following address : qics@sorbonne-universite.fr


This master is a master of computer science and is quite heavy in mathematical formalism. You will need to have studied either some linear algebra or some quantum physics to follow the master. If you have not studied any of this two courses, but have really good marks in other discipline involving a lot of abstract formalism (like complexity theory, formal logic, graph theory, etc.), it is also possible.

  • What are prerequisites in computer sciences?

It is expected to have knowledge corresponding to a bachelor level. This master is a computer science master degree, so good results in computer science teaching units are necessary.

  • What are the prerequisites in physics?

Regarding physics, any specific prerequisites are required except for a keen interest in physics sciences. To include the necessary physics, we set up the strong course 'physics for computer scientists', but it is quite intensive, and having seen some physics before is highly recommended.

  • Is it necessary to have followed a physics-oriented course in parallel to a computer science curriculum?

A mixed physics/computer sciences curriculum such as major-minor or double-major is, of course, appreciated.

  • Could you, please, tell me if there are any teaching units or concepts that are decisive for the master's degree in quantum computing, both in Physics and in Computer Science?

No one is decisive to integrate the master program. In computer science, it is expected to have knowledge equivalent to a bachelor level. This master degree is a computer science master, so good results in computer science teaching units are necessary. Regarding physics, there are not really prerequisites, but an interest in physics is necessary. We have a strong 'physics for computer scientist' course to include the necessary physics, but it is quite intensive, and having seen some physics is better.

  • What is the minimum score to secure a place in the Master for Quantum Computing?

There is no minimum score. It will depend more generally on your complete application, including background, level and motivation.

  • Is part of the program done on simulators or will this remain only theoretical?

Indeed, we would like a part of the teaching program to be done on simulators, or even on real machines / or practical with manipulations, but the most important part will be theoretical

  • Could such training, partly done remotely?

We didn’t plan to organize it remotely at this stage even if the recent context may require us to do so.

  • Is it possible to do a double master's degree with an engineering school or another institution?

It depends on your particular background and project. This question has to be studied on a case-by-case basis. If so, please send us your request to the following address qics@sorbonne-universite.fr.

  • I am a student in… and I would like to know if my profile is , first, of interest for the master of Quantum Information, and then, if I have the necessary bases to apply for it.

It will depend on your complete application, not only your results, but also your background, curiosity and motivation.

  • Is this program open to continuing education ?

Unfortunately, this Master is not compatible with a job activity as this master is built for students and will take place at Jussieu, Paris.
We are considering the opportunity to implement a continuing training program for professionals, or even a university degree. This project is at a very early stage, but we are very interested in knowing what your interests, constraints, etc. are.
To find out more and / or share your needs / motivations with us, we invite you to visit our website regularly to check out news about our offer or to subscribe to our mailing-list by replying to this email to receive our actuality qics@sorbonne-universite.fr.

  • Can I have access to the Master after my bi-disciplinary bachelor’s degree major in Physics / minor in Computer Science? And do I need to take additional teaching units?

Absolutely, you can integrate the Master with this background and without adding any additional teaching units.

  • Which are the profiles you are looking for to integrate this program?

The interdisciplinary nature of Quantum information calls for diverse paths, in order that students with a more physical, or computer or even mathematical background could help each other to understand the specificities of their respective disciplines. Quantum information mobilizes them all, and at a fairly fundamental level.
Your level, your curiosity and your motivation, as much as we can assess them, will therefore be as decisive as the background you have.

  • Can I have access to the Master after a double Mathematics-Physics bachelor’s degree?

Quantum information is a discipline combining computer science, physics and, of course, mathematics. Applying after a double mathematics-physics bachelor’s degree is therefore very relevant and your application will be carefully evaluated.

  • Can I apply to the Master program even if my educational background is not based in computer science?

In the French system, a background in EEE counts as «CS or IT», so you can apply to the program and your application will be evaluated on your academic merits.

  • I am an M1 student, is there any possibility of following the second-year courses directly as an M2 master student?

The M2 of quantum information will open only in 2022, so unfortunately it is not possible for you. However, you can apply to ICFP Quantum Physics master, which is in english (but highly selective!)

  • What is the application process to integrate the master?

The complete process to apply is available by clicking here (at the bottom page, “Candidature”, blue background)

  • Where can I search about how to apply for a master's program in Sorbonne?

The procedure (and the associated deadlines) is country-dependent and partly managed by your local French embassy. We advise you to check with local Antenna of Campus France what is the procedure for you, since you neither are in the EU, not in the non-EU countries listed with the “Études en France” link. You might have to apply with the French and EU students (from mid-April to June), but you need to check anyway with the local antenna of Campus France.

  • What is the deadline for application to this master?

For international students, that is essentially students currently oustide the European Union, the enrollment is managed by the local French embassy through the “Campus France '' programs. The actual deadline for applications depends on the country you are from. I invite you to contact your local “Campus France'' program via https://www.campusfrance.org/en to check whether you can still apply this year.

  • How Can I know the application process for the master in quantum information program? Example for Korea:

You should contact with https://www.coree.campusfrance.org/ to check whether the application deadline from Korea is still open or not. If it is still open, you have to apply on the "*Etudes en France*" (Studying in France) in the web site <https://pastel.diplomatie.gouv.fr/etudesenfrance> . Please select “Sorbonne Université” > "Sciences et Ingénierie" > “Taught in English” > “Master indifférencié” > “DIGIT: International program -
English Track”.

  • Do tuition fees for "Non-EU student" only apply to newcomers in the country or does it also concern "Non-EU student" living in the country for many years?

Regarding tuition fees, for students already in France, please look at the exemptions  listed here. Moreover, Sorbonne University decided in the past to exempt students from these fees, but we do not know if this decision will be renewed.


  • I am interested in applying to the Master of Computer Science - Quantum Information (IQ). I am from Tunisia and I have been a student in Germany for 6 years. I would like to ask if I would be considered as a "European Student"  or a "Non-EU student" in regards to both application deadline and tuition fee ?

Application deadline is June the 30th for European and French students and already closed for the internationals.
Regarding tuition fee, for this year, it might be the same cost for European and non-European students.
And regarding your application it depends on your status and your visa. You have to ask the French embassy as rules are changing regularly. Usually, once you are in Europe, you no longer go through Campus France.


  • Did you plan a Master Open day or presentation meeting to get more information about the program?

The open days, usually, take place early beginning of spring, in March. You have to look at Sorbonne Université website or check our website here

  • The courses are done in English, is it necessary to provide proof of English level when submitting an application?

It is not but we highly recommend to have, at least, level B2 in english to succeed your Master. C1 is even better. To complete your application if you are selected, you will have to give a certificate of level.
If you have followed at least 1 year of university courses taught in English —as seems to be the case—, we just need an official document of the university stating it is the case (e.g. a document stating the bachelor degree is in English, jointly with your diploma stating you were in said master).

  • Are there other quantum information programs?

Yes, the Physics department opens in 2021 inside its Master of physic a profil in Quantum information here. Moreover, the “Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique” (MPRI, Université de Paris) include some courses in Quantum information, the physics masters ICFP Quantum Physics master (ENS / Sorbonne Université) and “Dispositifs Quantiques” (Université de Paris) are doing the same.

  • In which field can I follow after this master?

A large number of companies (both groups and start-ups) are recruiting at master's level. For several years, these companies have been complaining about the lack of training in this discipline in France. There are companies looking to build quantum computers and others seeking to have in-house expertise to keep watch in order to "not miss the train" when it arrives. Finally, there are those who wonder about the possible integration of quantum cryptography into their networks.

  • In the case of a reorientation, how to optimize this knowledge?

The skills acquired in computer science and quantum physics are very popular in related specialties such as photonics, cryptography or information theory.
The optional teaching units (from which, for example, 18 ECTS are required in the first semester) are mostly existing computer science teaching units of Sorbonne Université Computer science department.
This gives a pretty good overall balance, between a computer science degree and a specialization in quantum information. Therefore, the opportunities include all those related to the master's degree in Computer Science from Sorbonne University.

  • Quantum Computation and Quantum Information de Nielsen et Chuang ;
  • course notes of Watrous (Information Theory and Quantum Calculus) ;
  • course notes of Preskill (here)  and course notes of d’Aaronson (here) ;
  • and for the complexity theory «Quantum Computing since Democritus»  d’Aaronson (first version here, which had been enhanced and published as a book).