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Scientific mediation training

QICS Training – Scientific mediation in quantum information


Scientific mediation training

What is quantum information? What does the concept of quantum information cover? What disciplinary fields does it include? Which thematics are of interest for quantum information? Why do we compare classical information with quantum information? Why, today, this discipline seems to emerge while it has always been part of the research projects of a large number of laboratories? Who is interested in quantum information? For which type of application and future development?
So many questions that specialists, novices, general public, institutions, industries are asking.

The objective of this short training course is to give, to PhD students working in one of the thematics of quantum information, the keys to answer easily these questions to the widest possible audience. This training course offers them the opportunity to collaborate all together. Thanks to this transdisciplinarity and cooperation, they also complete their knowledge, transmit it and create new joint projects.

Through the information and communication technologies, thanks to this collaborative work and, of course, to the support of scientists in Quantum information and experts in scientific popularization, throughout the project, participants will acquire new knowledge and skills in the field of knowledge transmission in general, and its specificities, in the context of quantum information.

In addition to these theoretical skills, participants will contribute to the creation and production of popularization and educational materials. At the end of this training, PhD students will present two deliverables.

This training course is build for PhD students working in a field related to quantum information, regardless of the discipline. To find more details about the discipline, please click here.


This training is based on a straight cooperation between the QICS and the participants which build together the content, defining the projects they want to deliver and the support and material they need to achieve their objectives.  
The realizations can take different format, digital or physical ; such as a small video, a documentary, a game, a book, an object, a revue, an artistic or graphical work, an article, a report, etc. Thanks to this new realizations, the target audience must be able to better understand Quantum information and its impact in their life and for the future.

In 2020-2021, the participants delivered two projects that were built in parallel and focused on digital technologies:

  • OptiQraft is a serious game developed on two important thematics; education through video games and quantum physics. This project led by four PhD students has been presented during the Festives, an event organized by Sorbonne University, from November 25 to 27, 2021.
  • A second team chose to produce a video of 15 minutes on quantum information; writing first the script, then producing the film (recording of sequences, staging) and post-production (editing, entertaining, etc.). The video is available on QICS Youtube channel 

For this session, the participants used different audiovisual and graphic creation tools (Manim’, Adobe Creative Cloud, Speed Drawing, and Unity).

In 2021-2022, the participants delivered two projects:
- a new video focusing on quantum entanglement
- and a bigger project ; an escape game which will be developed in 2 years 

Depending on the project you want to set up jointly with other participants, the course will include approximately 25 hours of support with the speakers, in addition to a personal work in small groups. It will take place over 8 months between November and June every year. The agenda will also be jointly agreed between QICS and the participants. Depending on the needs, it can evolve to add or delete some sessions. 

The training is designed for a minimum of 4 students and a maximum of 16. 

Frédéric Grosshans : Senior Researcher for Quantum Information team at LIP6 laboratory (Sorbonne Université) and co-director of the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne.
Nicolas Treps : Professor – member of the Institut universitaire de France and Kastler Brossel Lab (Sorbonne Université) and co-director of the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne.
Khamsa Habouchi : General secretary of the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne, previously coordinating the production of 16 MOOC, documentaries and other format on Public health.
Hélène Dupont : Dr in scientific ecology and videographer, specialist in educational formats (MOOC, MOOD, teaser, scientific documentaries)
And according to the projects, a scientific coordinator from one of the labs of QICS perimeter (INSP, LPENS, LKB, Costech, LIP6 or INRIA*)

To join this program, please send your application between September the 1st and October the 15th to Please specify the following information:

– 2/3 lines presenting your motivations;
– your doctoral school of affiliation;
– your research subject;
– your or your affiliate laboratory.

You will receive a response no later than October 15 after evaluation by the QICS of all applications.

Projects of session 2020-2021

Projects for the class of 2022-2023