Notre approche pédagogique

Our educational approach

The development of quantum information and quantum technologies can only be thought as a coherent teaching and research effort.

Our educational approach

Its interdisciplinary nature builds on competences in fundamental computer science, applied mathematics, physics and quantum physics, along with specific quantum information front edge developments. The QICS will thus contribute to a modern paradigm of interpreting and teaching these different subjects. Students will be trained not only to contribute to fundamental and applied research, but also to become quantum engineers. They will be prepared to participate in the industrial transition associated with these new technologies. Hence, the Centre will also have a strong emphasis on continuing education.

More specifically, we will start setting a label QICS given to a coherent set of existing lectures, from undergraduates to PhD programs, allowing students to identify a proper curriculum. Then, we will develop new lectures, with the objective to bring together computer science and physics students at research master levels, and set a new cross-disciplinary curriculum spanning all levels of university.

We will promote student mobility identifying partners international institutions where the students undergo internships or teaching semester (this later point can be started with Universities part of the 4EU+ network). 

The Centre Is setting up a yearly summer pre-doctoral school, completing SU curricula with most recent advances, but also welcoming students from all around the world and thus promoting the SU PhD program.

Based on all these teaching actions, QICS will work toward setting up consistent online teaching material, from lectures notes, didactic videos for core concepts, to access to quantum computing simulators, etc.

As regards the number of students, even for the Ile-de-France area only one can estimate that more than 30 PhD students start every year on quantum technologies, many more across France. Furthermore, industry, as expressed by the list of partners below, is highly interested in recruiting quantum engineers to face the coming technological and industrial challenges. Thus, an estimate of 20 to 30 students per year, from Bachelor to Graduation or engineering degree is conservative. Finally, many related fields of science, such as high energy physics or cosmology, are now using techniques inspired from quantum information and would be interested in such courses.