Unveiling the spin-singlet states of two electron-hole pair complexes using two-photon excitation in a GaAs/AlAs quantum dot

Thanks to QICS support, researchers from INSP (Institut des nanosciences de Paris) were able to continue their project which can be read in a paper issued on June 2022

Generating on-demand indistinguishable entangled pho- tons is an essential step in quantum information applica- tions [1]. In quantum dots (QDs) this has been realized by using the biexciton-exciton radiative cascade, to create pairs of polarization-entangled photons [2]. In resonant two- photon excitation (TPE) schemes the biexcitonic state can be coherently prepared and this process leads to the gen- eration of high-fidelity indistinguishable entangled photon pairs [3,4].