QICS latest news

Job opportunity and Quantum technologies event!

Position opportunity at LIP6 Lab

The Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris (LIP6) open a Maître de conférence (associate professor) position in quantum information, based in the QI team. The successful candidate will be expected to teach in the newly formed masters program in quantum information, and undergraduate computer science. Some level of French language will be required.
They will also be expected to develop their own program of internationally leading research in quantum information science, complementing or strengthening the quantum information research in the QI team and Sorbonne Université, and participate actively in developing the quantum information community.

More details of the position can be found here and for more information on the quantum information team and research activities, please see here.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact damian.markham@lip6.fr or frederic.grosshans@lip6.fr


Ontario Canada Quantum Partnership Forum - France

Organized by the Government of Ontario including Ontario’s European Trade and Investment Offices in Munich, London and Paris, the virtual “Ontario Canada Quantum Partnership Forum – Europe” will bring together some of Ontario’s most innovative organizations and Quantum technology companies to discuss commercialization opportunities in the field of Quantum. 
The forum will include discussions on the state of the Ontario’s Quantum technology sector and key trends and opportunities in this highly dynamic and in-demand field with a focused on international collaboration between Canada and Europe.

It will be held on January the 27th at 3pm CET

Go here to get more details and to register